Monday, December 22, 2008

People who drive plows

So as winter has decided to show its ugly heathen face rather strongly, over the past weekend, it made me start thinking of all the people that piss me off during the winter. The people that refuse to wear winter clothes, that I hope all get frostbite and lose appendages, or get into a car accident and freeze to death due to their own stupidity. Next are the people who wear incredibly fantastic winter clothes, the kind with glitter and are super puffy and extravagant but, once again, not warm. Frostbite and car crashes to them as well. Actually, last night during a snow storm, I had two of these type of people drive into a snow bank, 3 times trying to get food, then they called to complain that I need to go shovel the driveways so they can get in. Or maybe they could take their goofy fat asses home when there's a driving ban instead of coming to get food that will make you hate your life in the morning.

But most importantly right now, for this rant anyways, is people that have pickup trucks with snow plows on them. First off, just because you have a plow on your truck, does not make you an automatic bad ass. It just doesn't. Just because you drive a 2 wheel drive ford ranger, does not give you the right to drive down a street that you can't see down at 70 miles an hour, just because you have a plow. You're going to cause an accident, even if you're not hurt in it. My second problem with these assholes is that they think they own the whole road all the time. Listen here fagots, I have 4 wheel drive too. And honestly, mine is better than your GM 4 wheel drive. Probably the Ford 4 wheel drive as well. So stop weaving in and out of traffic because you think you're the shit. You're not. You can't just whip out into the street, stop traffic and once again, cause accidents, because you have driveways to plow. You're job is not as important as someone Else's life. When I'm the only car on the road, and you would have to wait a grand total of 3 seconds for me to pass you, before you carelessly back into the street to get some speed, maybe I wouldn't have had to drive on the wrong side of the road, and almost hit a mailbox. Not because I wasn't paying attention, If I wasn't there would be a F250 on my hood. Maybe you should pay attention. To every last asshole that does this kind of stuff, I would appreciate you giving me a call. I would like to invite you over to my house to break at least one of your fingers and two of your toes. For starters.

Monday, November 10, 2008

It needs to stop.

The fact that on a regular basis, crazy crackhead "babymommas" come in to complain to me needs to stop. New guy, started two days ago. I just met him. His ex-girlfriend who is having his child hates that he works nights. (Significant others usually do) So she decided tonight that it was a good idea to come in and tell me he forges checks. I really don't care. My checkbook is safe, and I'm broke anyways. So it would be a waste. She's trying to get him fired so that he doesn't have to work at nights. Great. Wouldn't you want the man you will be getting child support from, to have a job, so you get money? I mean really. Pregnant people are crazy. Other than Pamela. She's fine. But, when did I turn into your personal social worker? I will be collecting payment for these services from now on. I'm good at it, but, damn. I don't care about your life. Especially when the dude you are complaining about I've known for a grand total of 5.53 hours. I have much better things to do, including seeing how high I can rack up my text message count for this month. That is way more entertaining than a grazy half asian chick on a rampage. If she was armed it may be a different story. They took my Steakout Belmont weapon away after they heard what I did with the one at Chippewa. So please, if you are a crackhead babymomma, come with a loaded checkbook or lots of cash. Cause, next time. It's going to cost you. Usually I would accept a first born. In these situations, I don't even want them. Ill find someone else to plow the back 40.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The third blog starts right now

So this is the place that I'm going to dump really quick things, that really don't involve much, other than little things that don't really deserve a place on the other Super Jew blog. Jewish wisdom, to go!

People should stick to what they're good at. Jews are good with money. That's why we run banks.
White polish women in their 40's are NOT good at making Chinese food.

Sorry mom.

I came home to left overs in the fridge. Recently my aunt died, and my uncle has been over a lot. He loves stir fry, because apparently people from Arizona do.

So my mom made some.

There was more chicken in one bowl of this stir fry, than half the nation of China sees in a year.
Proportionately, each piece of chicken came complimentary with one (1) piece of rice. There were approximately 4 chickens in a cereal bowl. I like chicken, I really do, but, damn lady.

Don't get me wrong, she's a great cook. When she cooks things that she's used to. My mother was born in America, not China. Please mom. Don't do this to me again. I almost started to care about how much the chicken population had decreased as I ate the stir fry at 4 in the morning. Then I realized they're animals. And more importantly delicious. Other than right now, because I'm dreading brushing my teeth, and brushing out the chicken that is currently stuck in my teeth. The whole chicken, that is stuck in my teeth.