Monday, November 10, 2008

It needs to stop.

The fact that on a regular basis, crazy crackhead "babymommas" come in to complain to me needs to stop. New guy, started two days ago. I just met him. His ex-girlfriend who is having his child hates that he works nights. (Significant others usually do) So she decided tonight that it was a good idea to come in and tell me he forges checks. I really don't care. My checkbook is safe, and I'm broke anyways. So it would be a waste. She's trying to get him fired so that he doesn't have to work at nights. Great. Wouldn't you want the man you will be getting child support from, to have a job, so you get money? I mean really. Pregnant people are crazy. Other than Pamela. She's fine. But, when did I turn into your personal social worker? I will be collecting payment for these services from now on. I'm good at it, but, damn. I don't care about your life. Especially when the dude you are complaining about I've known for a grand total of 5.53 hours. I have much better things to do, including seeing how high I can rack up my text message count for this month. That is way more entertaining than a grazy half asian chick on a rampage. If she was armed it may be a different story. They took my Steakout Belmont weapon away after they heard what I did with the one at Chippewa. So please, if you are a crackhead babymomma, come with a loaded checkbook or lots of cash. Cause, next time. It's going to cost you. Usually I would accept a first born. In these situations, I don't even want them. Ill find someone else to plow the back 40.

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